Courses Offered
How To...
Apply for Admissions & Set up Account
Qualify for MATH, ENGL & BIOL
Register for course at the college
Pay Tuition
Waitlist for ENG, MATH, BIO
Drop/Withdraw from a CE Course
Enroll for CE on Campus & Online
Early Enrollment Application
Earn a Certificate of Completion or Associates Degree?
How Much Does CE Cost?
What are the deadlines?
Will my CE courses transfer to other colleges/universities?
Which math class should I take?
How many credits can I take?
What is a Certificate of Completion or Associates Degree?
Do I need qualifying scores?
How to continue at SLCC after high school
How do I contact an advisor at SLCC?
Concurrent or AP?
Will BYU accept Concurrent Enrollment?
Do Math classes expire?
Contact Us
The majority of CE courses at RHS are offered through SLCC. We have a few courses offered through Weber State University and two offered through University of Utah, as shown below.
Courses Offered
How To...
Apply for Admissions & Set up Account
Qualify for MATH, ENGL & BIOL
Register for course at the college
Pay Tuition
Waitlist for ENG, MATH, BIO
Drop/Withdraw from a CE Course
Enroll for CE on Campus & Online
Early Enrollment Application
Earn a Certificate of Completion or Associates Degree?
How Much Does CE Cost?
What are the deadlines?
Will my CE courses transfer to other colleges/universities?
Which math class should I take?
How many credits can I take?
What is a Certificate of Completion or Associates Degree?
Do I need qualifying scores?
How to continue at SLCC after high school
How do I contact an advisor at SLCC?
Concurrent or AP?
Will BYU accept Concurrent Enrollment?
Do Math classes expire?
Contact Us